Tis the season to stay inside and watch movies. I’ve never been a huge fan of Christmas movies, but I’d love for you to submit your favorites on my Submit a Movie page so I can watch and give some holiday recommendations for my subscribers! For today, however, there are no Christmas films featured. Instead, I have a thriller and a murder mystery. The murder mystery takes place in winter, so I’m giving myself a little Christmas credit for that one. Or maybe it’s in the fall. Either way, here they are:
Thriller: Fight Club (1999)
Length: 139 minutes
Rated: R
Obviously, the first rule about fight club is you don’t talk about fight club. I’ll be breaking that rule for all of your sakes. Fight Club is about exactly what it sounds like: a club where people fight each other. Men gathering to beat each other up with no regulations non-surprisingly turns into something very grim. Things escalate, and the narrator soon finds himself entangled in the mess of the club him and his friend, Tyler, have created. I can’t explain too much of the plot without giving things away, but believe me when I say it’s a wild ride. Also, Brad Pitt. Anyways, here’s the trailer.
Murder Mystery: Knives Out (2019)
Length: 131 minutes
Rated: PG-13
Knives Out follows a wealthy family with a lot of drama following their patriarch, an esteemed author, being found dead in his study the morning after his 85th birthday party. There’s nothing like a good rich-people-fighting-over-inheritance whodunnit. Everyone is a suspect, and you’ll be on the edge of your seat trying to solve the murder. It’s entertaining, easy to follow, and pretty memorable. Here’s the trailer.
Pair one of these with a nice, big bowl of chili (this week’s recipe) and have a fantastic night. If neither of these films sound appealing, click here for the last movies I posted. Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy!
DAAM. Sounds like a plan.
I really enjoy your blog. Fight Club is great. Here’s a recommendation for a Christmas movie: Joyeux Noel. It’s a beautiful movie, one of my favorites of any genre.